Indiana Census Data Comparison Tool


Ranking ZIP Codes by Housing Affordability Index (last updated July 1, 2024)

There are 20 records sorted in descending order.

The Housing Affordability Index base is 100 and represents a balance point where a resident with a median household income can normally qualify to purchase a median price home. Values above 100 indicate increased affordability, while values below 100 indicate decreased affordability.

ZIP Code City Housing Affordability Index
1. 47928 Cayuga 273
2. 47862 Montezuma 251
3. 46175 Russellville 243
4. 47847 Dana 242
5. 47974 Perrysville 241
6. 47854 Hillsdale 239
7. 47846 Cory 237
8. 47859 Marshall 234
9. 47528 Edwardsport 227
10. 47116 Eckerty 225
11. 47443 Lyons 223
12. 47860 Mecca 223
13. 46068 Sharpsville 223
14. 47282 Vernon 220
15. 47989 Waveland 219
16. 46806 Fort Wayne 218
17. 46957 Matthews 217
18. 47512 Bicknell 216
19. 47438 Jasonville 213
20. 47394 Winchester 212


Indiana Census Data Comparison Tool

Compare Indiana July 1, 2024 Data
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