Indiana Census Data Comparison Tool


Ranking Cities and Towns by Housing Affordability Index (last updated July 1, 2024)

There are 20 records sorted in ascending order.

The Housing Affordability Index base is 100 and represents a balance point where a resident with a median household income can normally qualify to purchase a median price home. Values above 100 indicate increased affordability, while values below 100 indicate decreased affordability.

Name County Housing Affordability Index
1. City of West Lafayette Tippecanoe 45
2. Town of West Harrison Dearborn 57
3. Town of Sheridan Hamilton 61
4. Saint Mary of the Woods Census Designated Place Vigo 63
5. Shelby Census Designated Place Lake 65
6. Town of Cicero Hamilton 66
7. Town of Topeka LaGrange 68
8. Town of Culver Marshall 69
9. City of Bloomington Monroe 70
10. Snow Lake Census Designated Place Steuben 72
11. Town of Pottawattamie Park LaPorte 74
12. Hortonville Census Designated Place Hamilton 75
13. Town of Kingman Fountain 76
14. Saint Wendel Census Designated Place Vanderburgh 76
15. Town of Etna Green Kosciusko 76
16. Town of Gentryville Spencer 77
17. Town of Warren Park Marion 78
18. Town of Morgantown Morgan 80
19. Town of Macy Miami 81
20. Town of Economy Wayne 81


Indiana Census Data Comparison Tool

Compare Indiana July 1, 2024 Data
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